Milked too Far: Serial Villains Gone Soggy

Do Villains Have an Expiration Date? I didn’t think so in the past—but now I’m starting to suspect it. Not in all cases—there are a few villains that just seem to ferment and develop a richer flavor, but others… not so much. They get kind of rancid—smell a bit off, …

Have My Cake and Eat it Too: Wish Fulfillment in Writing

Wish fulfillment is treated like a dirty phrase by critics, writers, and even many readers. But Reading is About Wish Fulfillment Each story is a wish of the writer, the protagonist, the reader. We immerse ourselves in dreams. We spend months or years breathing life into them, till they breathe …

Book Wyrms

I Imagine My Readers as Dragons Surrounded by their hoard of books stacked high in their cavernous domain. Books layered in towers, that climb to flirt precariously with the stalactites of the vault above. A wild-piled djinn’s treasure trove of tomes—for draconic readers to to curl up amidst. The phantasmagoria …