The gravitational locus for all things Maren True. Particularly information about her writing and her thoughts on writing. Readers, writers, and publishing professionals—all are invited to wander and find something written expressly for you.
Fiber Art
Maren True creates fiber art by hand dyeing wool, silk, firestar and other fibers, then layering them into fantastical images and felting them into their final form.

Portfolio of Fiber Art
Elemental Things Series
Igniting Insight
Chara wants to write stories, not just remember them. But, when magic wielders kill her parents and slaughter entire cities to eradicate the bards, Chara embraces her heritage to halt the onslaught. Using ancient knowledge to fight back, she’ll finally get to write her own story.
Blaze of Insight
To save his mother, Solaris must prove his bloodline through fire magic, but he can’t even light a candle. His mother knows why—but she won’t speak, even as iron chains drag her under the water to drown.
Inferno of Insight
Finally aware of the nature of his powers, Solaris discovers he is the target of the Enemy’s looming onslaught. Bereft of allies but endowed with a staggering fortune, he must choose a retainer to share his life and watch his back. In Chara, he finds a partner who will turn the tide in the conflict to come.
-Work In Progress By Maren True
Ending Ordinary Realists Series
Waxing Dark
When Violet Glass’s new stepmom sends her packing to a mysterious, prestigious—and murderous—boarding school, she didn’t think things could get worse . . . until she accidentally requests a death sentence—one that always comes to pass.
-Work In Progress By Maren True
The Witches of Braintree Series
Love spells are dangerous The Entangler knew, that’s why she chose to cast one on herself, rather than on the boy she’d watched from afar. Starting her first day at his school her passionate pursuit of him and three new friends will drag the five of them into bonds with unexpected fallout.
A nexus for book wyrms to locate words written specifically for them. Words to entice their excitement for more books to devour.
Looking for the latest stew from Maren True? Musings on writing? Recent news? Here is your source sorted in chronological order, with the newest tasty tidbits swirling about on top.
A Codex Index
Aspiring writer, or just a bibliophile?
Here’s a peak to alight on and survey the terrain of some of the best resources on writing Maren True has been able to find. It also organizes the posts from her Thoughts page topically. So, if you’re gnawing on a nasty conundrum, perhaps this collection of sage writers can give you a new perspective.
A Codex Index also attempts to assemble thoughts on planning your writing career and delves into the mysteries of publishing.
About The Author—Maren True
Just who is the mysterious Maren True? Is she reclusive? Is she a fearsome dragon or would she just like to be?
Okay, so she isn’t entirely a recluse—even though she wouldn’t object to a remote castle, perhaps perched on a Scottish isle, or the outskirts of Bali. Bali is supposed to be a very draconic location—they do such flattering carvings after all . . .
Seriously though, if you want to contact Maren, this page is your magic portal.